1. What are the basic steps involved in analyzing a case?
Creativity of the case analyst plays a major role in enhancing the quality of case analysis and solution generating process. A case does not have only one solution, instead several feasible alternative solutions can be recommended based on the national and organizational contexts, nature of the case, and the resource constraints for the successful implementation of the solutions. Two cardinal principles of creativity in case analysis are:
There is not only one-way of doing things, therefore consider alternative ways of doing the same thing, There is no the ‘best way’ of doing the things, therefore consider the ‘better than the best’. However, the basic steps involved in analyzing a case are as follows:
Read the case thoroughly and completely: The case analyst is expected to read and understand the case material on the one hand and relate the issues to the question asked at the end of the case study. Case Brief: After completing the reading part, now the case analyst effectively writes down review notes of brief summaries of pertinent information. This process will further streamline, fine-tune and confirm the thorough and complete understanding of the case study. Problem Statement: The case analyst should correctly identify and define the root cause of the problem in unambiguous terms by clearly distinguishing between the “symptom” and the “cause”.
Problem Analysis and Elaboration: Having formulated the problem, the case analyst should elaborate on the problem statement by focusing on what, why, where, when, who and how part of the issues involved in the case study. Everything should revolve around the problem statement.
Generation of Alternative solutions: At this stage, the case analyst will have to develop meaningful alternative solutions as many as desirable with an open mind.
Evaluation of Alternatives: The case analyst will thoroughly and completely evaluate the pros and cons of each alternative decision or course of action. The number of alternative solutions will be reduced to two or three as a result of rigorous cost-benefit analysis of a particular decision or course of action. Choice of Solution: This is the “acid-test” of the case analyst’s ability to choose between the final alternative solutions. The argument in favor of the recommended solution should be supported by logical analysis, theoretical underpinnings, factual and interpretive evidence from the case itself. Contingency Plan of Action: Finally case analyst will come out with a contingency plan of action as a precautionary measure to immediately switch over to the next best alternative solution in case of originally recommended course of action fails to deliver the goods.
Presentation of Case Analysis: The case analysis discussion can take place either at the individual level or at the group level or an effective combination of the both. The presentation of case analysis can be can be done either in writing or orally or both. The combination of both the form of case presentation provides room for testing the writing and oral skills of case analyst.
2. Bring out the role and relevance of case study method in individual learning process. Case study has been regarded as a highly effective, user-friendly method of teaching, training and learning. As a learner-centered technique, it smoothly facilitates the process of acquiring knowledge, upgrading and fine-tuning managerial skills, and suitably modifying the behavior of individuals and teams in the organization.
A typical manager is called upon to perform different roles in diverse situational settings with predictable and unpredictable consequences. Henry Mintzberg provided the following set of managerial roles:
· Role
· Description
· Example
· Interpersonal
· Figure Head
Symbolic head, performs routine duties of a legal or social nature Greetings visitors, Signing legal documents Leader Responsible for motivation of subordinates and for staffing and training Most activities involving subordinates Liaison Maintains network of outside contacts Processing mail, phone calls, meetings etc.
· Informal
· Monitor
· Seeks and receives information to understand
· organization and environment
· Processing mail, maintaining personal contacts,
· reading periodicals and reports
· Disseminator
· Transmits information to other organization members
· Forwarding reports and memos, making of phone calls,
· holding meetings
· Spokesperson
· Transmits information to outsiders
· Holding board meetings, giving information to the
· media
· Decisional
· Entrepreneur
· Initiates organizational improvement projects
· Holding strategy sessions, identifying new
· responsibilities and new products ideas
· Disturbance handler
· Responsible for corrective action when organization
· faces unexpected crises
· Resolving subordinate conflicts
· Resource allocator
· Responsible for allocation of human and other
· resources
· Scheduling, budgeting
· Negotiator
· Responsible for representing the organization in
· negotiations
· Negotiating and union contracts, making sales
Q1. What were the mistakes and who was at fault?
At the very outset, such things should not be encouraged in any company at all. As it leads to a very un-healthy environment.
First of all I feel that the meeting of Board of Directors should not have happened when the Finance Director was not present. Secondly, Mr. Pereira being the director of the company should have checked the enormity between two Senior officials of the company because disagreement between two senior persons that too, for their ego-satisfaction, will never lead to a healthy environment.
Q2. What could be done to save the situation?
In my opinion this is totally a case of “ego-clash” between two senior executives of the company. Here, Mr. Perera should intervene and take control of the situation. He should request the Finance Director to abide by the decision, which has already been taken in concurrence with the Board of Directors.
Moreorever, Mr. Pereira should request the Finance director that let us abide by the decision and implement the same for a quarter or two, and if it is found that the results are not promising, the decision can be rolled back.
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