Q1. Explain the different types of roles a manager should perform in an organization.
The manager has to perform a set of managerial roles and the requirements of these roles lead to certain common work characteristics. Henry Minitzberg made a detailed study of chief executives. On the basis of his study, he came to the conclusion that managerial activity may be divided into three groups:
• Inter-Personal role
• Informational Role
• Decisional Role
Inter - Personal Role
This role relates to his contacts and dealing with other people. This role includes -
1. A manager represents his organization with outsiders.
2. He Performa the role of a figurehead. The formal authority of a manager gives him special status in the organization.
3. He performs the role of a leader. He has to communicate with his subordinates ,motivate them and activates them to work in pursuit of desired objectives.
Informational Role
His contacts with the outside world and leadership position make him a focal point of information. He has to receive and collect information so that he can develop a thorough understanding of his organization. This role includes -
1. He functions as a disseminator. He gathers information from the environment and transmits it into his organization.
2. He functions as a monitor. He becomes a kind of nerve centre organizational function. He acts as a liaison man and a leader.
3. He functions as a spokesman, by disseminating the organizational information into the environment.
Decisional Role
A manager occupies a central point in his organization because of his unique position and authority. This naturally means that he would be performing significant organizational duty of decision-making. There are four decisional roles that he has to perform
1. He has to perform the entrepreneur's role by initiating change and taking the risk that is involved in introducing change.
2. He has to assume the role of a discerning handler by taking charge whenever his organization is threatened.
3. He performs the role of an allocator of resources when he decides how and where his organization will expand its efforts and resources.
4. He performs the negotiator's role in which he deals with those situations where he has to enter into negotiations on behalf of the organization.
Q2. Describe the process of management and explain how it can be used to accomplish results in any organization?
Ans :
Process of Management involves the following:
When management is reviewed as a process, Planning is the first function-performed by the manager. The work of mgr begins with setting of objectives of organization of each area in business. This is done thru planning. A Plan is pre-determined coarse of action to accomplish set objectives. It is today’s projection for tomorrow’s activities. Planning includes objective strategies, policies, programmes etc. As it involves making choices, decision-making is the heart of planning.
Planning is
Goal oriented
Intellectual process
Includes putting lives into the plan by bringing together, the personal capital, machine, material etc, to execute the plan. While Planning decides, what mgmt wants to do, Organizing provides an effective machine for achieving the plan. Once the things are organized, planning helps in achieving the “common goal” of the organization.
Involves filling the position needed in the organization structure by appointing contended and qualified person for the job. This needs manpower planning, scientific selection and training of personnel. Suitable methods of remuneration and performance. Appraisal.
Involves managing manager, managing workers and work through the means of motivation. Proper leadership, effective communication as well as co-ordination. Manager must develop the ability to command and direct others. Giving proper direction to the sub-ordinates helps in better and effective performance of the employees who all are working for the common goal.
Motivation a managerial function to inspire and encourage people to take required action. It is key to successful mgmt of any enterprises. It can set into motion, a person to carry out certain activity.
Is a process of measuring actual results with some std. F performance, finding the reason for deviation of actual from desired result, taking corrective action when necessary,. This controlling enables the realization of plans. A manager must adopt the following in controlling activities:
Identify potential problem
Select Mode of control
Evaluate performance in terms of planning
Spot significant deviation
Ascertain cause of deviation
Take remedial measure
Is concerned with harmonious and unified action directed towards a common objective. It ensures that all group and persons work efficiently economically and in harmony. Co-ordination requires and effective channel of communication. Person-to person communication is most effective for co-ordination.
Means transfer of information and understanding from person to person. Communication also leads to sharing of info. Ideas ad know. It enables group to think together and act together.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Posted by Shopperix Mall at 7:02 PM
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