Friday, February 20, 2009


1. Explain FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Applications.
Transferring a file via FTP requires two participants:
1. FTP Client Program and
2. FTP Server Program
The FTP client is the program that we run on our computers. The FTP Server is the program that runs on the huge mainframe somewhere and stores tens thousands of files. It is similar to an online library of files. The FTP client can download or upload files to the FTP server.
Using Web browser we can only download the files , we can not upload the files. But FTP applications will help us to upload the files to the web sites that we are maintaining.
There are many FTP programs that we can download from the Internet. Windows has its own command line based FTP program. To connect to FTP server we must have a login name and the password.
Another important FTP program, which is available as a shareware, is WSFTP. Using this window based program it is easier to maintain your web site.

2. Write down the advantages of Electronic Mail.

The main benefit of e-mail when compared to other messaging mediums like fax is that is is almost instantaneous. More importantly, it directly reaches the concerned individual’s electronic mail box without getting buried under a mountain of paper.
In some case, we can even confirm whether our message has been received and read by the recipient. This facility is not readily available with other mediums like letter or fax.
With e-mail even if the recipient is not around, the message is delivered into his mailbox and is available the next time he checks the mailbox.

3. List out the Applications of Multimedia

The word Multimedia simply means being able to communicate in more than one way for better interaction. In other words, execution of text, sound, graphics and animation simultaneously is Multimedia. Therefore a Multimedia based computer must have all the necessary hardware and software required to combine these components.

 Applications of Multimedia:
1. Entertainment:
The software industry has developed lots of real life like games by including text, graphics, sound and animation. Virtual rality has made computer game more adventurous. Multimedia games allow children to experience the joy of driving cars of different type and model, fly aircraft, play any musical instrument, play gold and so on.

2. Education and Training:
Multimedia software with a focus on education is available. E.g. Nautilus, General Knowledge, Encyclopedia, Essential Internet ,Windows 98 tutor etc. Virtual reality has been used in simulators, which creates a real like imaging.
These are used in training centers like
a) In Air force candidates are trained to control an aircraft using flight simulators.
b) Medical training centers use to train students perform operation on a non existing living being, instead of taking risk on a living being
3. Business:
Multimedia is used in Business to enhance quality of business communication. We can see advertisements and corporate presentation incorporating Multimedia Video conferencing, another activity that involves Multimedia allows people to get together for discussions on the Internet.

4. What is Internet and write down the objectives of Internet?
The Internet is “a network of networks”. It is a global collection of high powered computers that are connected to each other with network cables, telephone lines, microwave dishes, satellites etc.
Some computers (Servers) on the Internet store documents, sound files, video clips, program files, electronic shopping centers, animations, pictures, interactive contents and other information that can be stores and presented electronically. All these resources are available to all computers connected to the Internet.

We can communicate with anyone on the Internet by sending e-mail, posting messages in newsgroups, chatting in various chat areas and even telephoning and video-conferencing over the Net.


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