1. Distinguish between case study and group discussion methods of teaching and learning.
Case study
- Cases are usually very interesting.
- Much group discussion and interaction about solutions, since there is no absolute solution.
- Develops participants' abilities in effective communication and active participation.
- Develops participants' abilities to figure various factors that influence their decision building.
- Develops participants' abilities to make proper decisions in real-life situations.
- A slow method of training.
- Often difficult to select the appropriate case study for specific training situation.
- Requires high level of skills by both participants and trainer, as the discussion can become boring.
- Can create frustration on the part of participants, especially if they fail to arrive at a specific solution.
Group Discussion
- Provide a greater amount of available knowledge by developing objectives.
- Individual efforts of group members can enable a border search in the various functional areas of the organization by developing alternatives.
- Groups have a wider range of viewpoints by evaluating alternatives.
- Groups are likely to accept more risk than are individual decision makers by selecting alternatives.
- Members are more likely to be motivated to carryout the decision by implementation.
- Greater creativity results from the interaction of individuals with different viewpoints by cross-fertilization of ideas.
- Buck-passing.
- Group discussions are costly.
- Group discussion making is inefficient if a decision must be made promptly.
- Group discussion may be the result of compromise and indecision on the part of members.
- Superiors - dominant personality - decision of a group may not be a "group decision".
2. Briefly explain the different types of business cases normally taken up for analysis.
By and large, case studies can be classified into three broad categories: mini case, functional case, and comprehensive case. A mini case consists of 2-3 business incidents constituting a problem situation.
On the other hand, functional cases present case materials pertaining to different functions such as production, finance, marketing, research and development, human resource management, and systems management. It should be clearly noted that a
functional case study is therefore made up of problems, difficulties, constraints and other issues exclusively relating to only one function. Finally, a comprehensive case is one, which presents the total picture of an organization, and the case study
contains materials and questions touching upon all the functions of an organization in a seamless manner.
Relatively speaking, mini cases are easier to handle while the functional cases are tougher in nature as they demand perfect theoretical and technical knowledge to be possessed by the case analyst in a given field of case study. Finally, comprehensive
cases are highly complex in nature and the case analyst must be versatile in understanding the intricacies involved in the functioning of an organization as a whole. In this context, a particular solution to be recommended by case analyst should be generated only after properly assessing both the intended and unintended consequences of implementing the solution on various functional areas (production,
personnel, marketing, finance etc.).
Q1. Do you subscribe to the view of Mr. Rama Rao? If not why?
I partially subscribe the Mor. Rama Rao’s views. I feel that Human behaviour is very dynamic and one cannot expect to get the mechanical type job from a human being.
Having come from a poor background, this is reflected in the personality of Mr. Rao. Even though Mr. Rao has produced some quality stuff, but, on the contrary, there has been major turnover as per the personnel department.
Q2. Do you agree with the view of Mr Sunil Shastri? If no, why?
I partially agree to Mr. Shastri’s way of working. He does treat his sub-ordinates as a human being, but he should not be so liberal, though.
There are certain situations where you need to take control of the situation by “command” and not always being liberal.
As per the official records, Mr. Shastri has produced Quality goods, during the past years. This has been possible because he has been treating the subordinates very politely. This has resulted in his subordinate’s moral getting boosted up and as a result good production.
Q2. What are your views on the above case?
In my views, Management is all about managing people and getting the things done mutually without hurting anyone’s sentiments.
I feel that Mr. Shastri, though being very liberal, should at times, take control of the situation by using his power and authority.
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