Monday, April 13, 2009


1. Differentiate informal and formal process of technology tansfer


Formal process of technology transfer:

i. The formal processes are those which use legal arrangements between the participants in the transfer process is between governments, enterprises, individualsm research entities such as laboratories, and academic institutions.

ii. The formal processes of technology transfer are generally process-embodied or person-embodied transfer with an overarching organizational framework.

iii. This process include outright procurement of a technology through its sale , licensing or acquisition of the enterprise in which the technology is embedded.

iv. Formal legal arrangements are made, such as joint ventures, R & D consortia, co-operative agreements and other legal instrumentality

Informal process of technology transfer:

i. The informal process include the transfer of technology either with or without the transferee’s knowledge or formal recognition that this knowledge is or has been transferred.

ii. The informal processes of transferring technology include technical information exchange through published matter, either printed or by electronic media, meeting , symposia and individual exchanges.

iii. In this process the originator of the information makes the technical information available through professional meetings, journals, articles, electronic exchange, and informal meetings and personal communications.

iv. Technologist have sometimes inadvertently exchanged valuable and sensitive technical information, which has led to competitors capturing economic rents that rightly belonged to the initiator of the information exchange.

v. Acquisition of critical technical personnel is another informal methof of technology transfer.

2. What are the various external technology transfer methods.

An enterprise can acquire or transfer technology through a number of formal mechanisms they are

  1. Co-operative and collaborative Ventures:

Are structures between two or more enterprises. These ventures can take various organizational forms. One form of venture is through equity in a jointly owned new enterprise. A general partnership is another form of venture where the partners can be competitors, suppliers, or customers. The partners do not need to be limited to those within a single nation

  1. Intellectual property:

Another method for transferring technology is to transfer intellectual property which is an intangible right that can be bought and sold, leased or rented, or otherwise transferred between parties in much the same way that rights to real property or other personal property can be transferred.

  1. Inventions and patents:

Invention is the act or process of discovering something new, physical or conceptual. A patent does not give the inventor the right to practice his or her invention, only the right to exclude others from doing so. The inventor is given exclusive use of the invention and the right to assign that use.

  1. Trade secrets and Know-how:

Trade secrets and know-how are others forms of intellectual property which can be used for technology transfer. A trade secret is any commercial formula, device, pattern, process, or information that affords an enterprise an advantage over others who do not know it. The information is not generally known and has value. Trade secrets must be maintained by avoiding public disclosure.

  1. Copyrights:

A copyright is an exclusive right granted by any government to authors, composers, artists, or their assignees for the life of the individual plus fifty years, to copy, exhibit, distribute, or perform their work. As with patent rights, these rights fo to the individual creating the work, unless provisions are made to the contrary.

  1. Licensing:

Licensing is the transfer of less than ownership rigthts in intellectual property to a third party, to permit the third party to use intellectual property. Licensing can be exclusive or non-exclusive, for a specific field of use, for a specific geographical area. If ownership is transferred, it is called an assignment.

3. Critically analyze the technology import policy of India.

Today There is hardly any nation to name, which generates all technologies it needs within its country. Even industry advanced countries import technologies from abroad. In fact, internationa trade in technology is on the increase. In India, the government has been following a policy where there has been a judicious mix of imported and indigenous technologies. But with the statement on industrial policy, july 1991, of the government of India, there have been major changes in the technology import policy. Few salient feature relating to technology import policy are:

· Ther would be commitment to development and utilization of indigenous capabilities in technology and manufacturing, as well as its upgradation to world standards.

· Foreign investment and technology collaborations would be welcome to obtain higher technology to increase exports and expand the production base.

· Relationship between domestic and foreign industry should be much more dynamic in terms of technology and investment.

· Foreign investment, which is in the interests of industrial development, would be welcome.

· Indian companies would be free to negotiate terms of technology acquisition with their foreign counterparts according to commercial judgement.

· Procedures for foreign investment, foreign technology agreements and services of foreigh technicians would be made easier and liberal.

The number of foreign collaboration approved by the government increased substantially after the introduction of the policy.

4. Explain how will you manage the technological intellectual property of your organization.

The key institutional imperative is in setting up a process for early recognition of its potential intellectual assets, speedy actions taken to register of file them in countries where one has business interests and enforcing them to gain optimal value for them. A business perspective of IPR is essential and several factors must be taken into consideration to effectively utilize the system. This should be based on well formulated IPR policy and awareness of the IPR and its impact in the management process. The following figure illustrates the process of managing the IPR in the organization by developing the IPR service system.

Support legal Institutional IPR Window to IPR information

Proceedings Awareness

Policing IPR IPRS In project team research

Portfolio proposals, identify innovations,

Appropriate IPR protection

Publication clearance

Tracking competition Technology transfer Gateway

IPR monitoring check post Agreements/ Attorneys,

Planning oppositions, contracts Licensing IPR

Blocking moves etc. Clearance for use authorities,



Institutional strategy, speed, confidentiality, quality agencies



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