Monday, April 19, 2010

Management Information System - 1

1. Goal seeking is the process of determining the ________ required to active a certain goal

A) Input value
B) Data
C) Information
D) Intelligence

2. Operation models are also called as

A) Statistical analysis
B) Mathematical analysis
C) Forecasting models
D) OR models

3. Correlation between one or two variable is identified in

A) OR models
B) Regression models
C) ABC analysis models
D) Relation models

4. FOCUS is a ________ programming language

A) 3rd generation
B) 4th generation
D) Expert system

5. CSCW stands for

A) Computer System & Collaborative Workstation
B) Computer Supported Collaborative Workstation
C) Computer Supported Collaborative Work
D) Computer System Cooperative Work

6. A system that enables to post ones idea and draw responses is called

A) Groupware
B) Teleconferencing
B) Electronic bulletin board
D) Telecommuting

7. The electromechanical manipulator with Artificial Intelligence is _______

A) Expert System
C) Group DSS
D) Robot

8. The concept of forward chaining is also know as

A) Fast forward
B) Forward reasoning
C) Linear chaining
D) Control reasoning

9. Document Management is a __________

B) Office Information System

10. The critical business processes are those, which contribute to the ____________

A) Cost of the process
B) Value
C) Time taken to perform the task
D) People involved in doing the specific processes

11. The major disadvantage of an Expert System (ES) is that

A) They cannot apply to structured information
B) They cannot apply to unstructured information
C) They cannot apply to internal information
D) None of the above

12. The utility of information is high if it matches the

A) Cost
B) Quantity
C) Requirement of the user
D) Satisfaction of the user

13. The method of data processing measurement and collection methods is ______ factors in and organization

A) Controllable
B) Uncontrollable
C) High impact
D) Informal

14. _______ is formal, social units devoted to attainment of specific goals

a) Management
b) Organization
c) Operation Control
d) MIS

15. In the organization authority concentrates in the hands of ________

a) Top most
b) Middle
c) Lower
d) None of these

16. ____ is the mode of checking the program of plan and correcting the deviations

a) Controlling
b) Planning
c) Directing
d) None

17. Top level management in otherwise called _____ management

a) Strategic
b) Tactical
c) Operational
d) Controlling

18. _____ Level management has the responsibility of implementing over all plans.

a) Middle Level
b) Top level
c) Lower level
d) None of these

19. Military organization is the synonym for

A) Functional organization
B) Nuclear organization
C) Vertical organization
D) Both A) and C)

20. The organization where the authority flows functionally to the division heads is called

A) Division of labor organization
B) Authority organization
C) Functional organization
E) None of the above


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