Friday, January 30, 2009


1. Explain what you can do with Internet.

Ans :

 Search for information
In the Internet there are sites that have electronic versions of classic literature pages and pages of movie facts, stock quotes, collection of music and other interactive contents and mountains of additional information. Since there is awful lot of information, you may have trouble finding a place to start. There are search tools in the Internet that helps you search for specific information. Yahoo, Lycos, Web Crawler, Hotbot, Khoj is popular search engine available.
 Use Electronic Mail
One of the widely used features on the internet is electronic mail(e-mail).With email you can send and receive mails without even leaving the keyboard. Messages can be sent globally just by paying local telephone charges. When someone sends you an email, it is stored in your mailbox (on service provider's computer). Using the email program, connect to your ISP; download your message to your local hard disk. Email eliminates the need of postage stamps and greatly reduces the time taken to spend and receive messages.
 Chat with other People
If you like talking to complete strangers and making new friends, Internet is the best place. With chat program you can chat with group of people, whose geographical location you need not know.
 Telnet to other Computers
With telnet program you can connect to another computer and use it as if you were sitting as it6s keyboard. When the telnet program connects your computer to remote computer, the remote computer usually asks you to enter a user name and a password. On telnet sites that allow anonymous access you can enter anonymous as your user name and your email address as the password.

2. How you can setting up Internet on your PC? Explain.


1. Under My Computer select Dial-up Networking icon and then doubles-click on Make new Connection icon.
2. Enter the area code and the telephone number of VSNL. Select India [91] as the country code. Click on Next.
3. In the resultant dialog box enter a name to identify the icon. For e.g if you enter VSNL then VSNL is the name of the connection you have made. Click on Finish and new icon for the new connection is added to the Dial-up Networking folder.
4. Right click on your new icon and select the Properties from the shortcut menu that appears. In the resultant dialog box following changes are to be made.
5. The telephone number, area code and country will be displayed as you had filled. Do not make any changes here. Click on Configure.
6. In the Properties dialog box, click the Options tab. Select Bring up terminal window after dialing and click on the OK button to confirm and close the window.

3. Explain Anatomy of the A (Anchor) Tag with a neat diagram.


4. List out the Elements of multimedia.


 Test
This involves displaying words on the screen. This used to provide a lot of information, so program always use it. Text appearance can be made attractive and impressive, using special tools like boldface, blink, underline etc.
 Pictures
Computers can also produce photograph quality images on the screen. Explaining topics using pictures along with text will makes the audience understand the topic better.
 Movies
A computer can be turned into a Television using a Multimedia program. Video recordings like family movies, entertainment films; educative movies stored on compact disks can be played.
 Animation
Sometimes animation (Cartoons) can explain an aspect better than movies, for e.g.
1. The feet movements of a Dinosaur can be explained in detailed through animation.
2. Automobile industries use animation to study events like vehicle accidents to make driving safer.
3. Film industries use animation to create a non-existing, artificial world, for e.g. Jurassic Park, Star wars, Godzilla.
 Sound
A biting dinosaur is not much unless you hear the bones crunch as well.


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